The Farming - Regenerative Organic Certified™ and Demeter Biodynamic® Winegrowing


Grapevines take their nourishment from the sun and the soil. For the roots to extract nutrition from the soil they require help. Their partners in this process are the bacteria and fungi that live in the soil with them. If the microbiome of your soil is not healthy the vine cannot get what it needs from the soil and can survive only by direct applications of nitrogen. Like a drug addict, the vine is addicted to this mainlining of nitrogen, which prevents the vine from forming a normal healthy root system. Vines farmed in this way have small, shallow root systems. Biodynamic agriculture is all about returning the microbiome to a healthy balance so that a grapevine can return to its natural process of extracting what it needs from the soil. This makes for a healthier, stronger vine and that means more flavorful fruit and wine. The easiest way to describe biodynamics is that it is organic agriculture combined with an intensive discipline of probiotic treatments - the biodynamic preparations. Over the years we know that biodynamics  will add new dimensions and depth to our wines.  

Making Biodynamic compost with our grape skins and stems after pressing during harvest

Making Biodynamic compost with our grape skins and stems after pressing during harvest

Burying cow horns filled with fresh organic manure to ferment over the winter. In spring we dig up the newly created Biodynamic Preparation 500, which is applied to our vineyard soils to help rebuild the microbiome of our vineyard.

Burying cow horns filled with fresh organic manure to ferment over the winter. In spring we dig up the newly created Biodynamic Preparation 500, which is applied to our vineyard soils to help rebuild the microbiome of our vineyard.